Thursday, May 2, 2019

Zen garden

I'm trying for a zen feeling when you enter the backyard. This is the side yard next to the carport. I have a series of vines growing along here that I planted about a year and a half ago. There's Carolina jessamine (for early flowers and evergreen screening) and passionflower vine (for excitement and sexiness), mingling with Virginia creeper (that creeped over from our neighbors' yard). The jessamine is much better established than the passionflower, though I have big hopes for the passionflower. My wonderful friend Tamara has been taking cuttings from her prolific vines. She's given me several, and so far I only managed to get one to take root. So I need to add more to balance it out.

You enter the back garden into the gate, and you'll find the fence (which is falling apart, thanks to the overexertions of the neighbor's dog) with more Virgina creeper, and some native grapevine on the right. We purchased the Buddha fountain at Miguel's imports, and I got the garden stool from neighbors across the street who were having a yard sale last weekend! To the right of the fountain is a Japanese holly fern. It requires consistent moisture - fingers crossed it likes living under my (sometimes negligent) care. I typically go for plants that are solidly drought tolerant, cause living with me, there are no guarantees. But I'm taking a risk, so hopefully it gets what it needs to flourish.

So, I'm still waiting on the fountain pump I ordered to come in the mail. My main concerns now are how often I'll have to clean the fountain, whether any birds or other wildlife will appreciate it, and how to keep the other wildlife (ie mosquitos) from breeding in it. 

Here's the full effect via video. You can see the shed is a bit unkempt. I'm debating what to do there (other than clean it up, obvi). Considering another trellis with a vine. I want something vertical that doesn't take up too much room. Then again, I've always wanted a possumhaw holly. I shouldn't... should I??? No, I really shouldn't... 

Update: Finally got the pump, so the fountain works! 

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