Monday, May 6, 2019

Woodland path

You can see my woodland in the last post. I wanted to make the back of the woodland more accessible, so I can weed and check in on the plants back there, as well as create a view to the beauty berry I planted two years ago (which was invisible in the earlier blog post).
So, I hacked away at the Turks cap and widow's tears, along with pruning back some of the rough leaf dogwood suckers that have grown in (buyer beware - it's a beautiful tree, but be ready for a thicket of suckers if you're not an avid and aggressive weeder).
You can see how I created some space here:

It's hard to tell in the image below, but there's a patio there (really just a concrete foundation from an old shed). It's covered in the plants I pulled, so it looks a little weird.  

I haven't actually laid the stone in the ground yet. Still playing around with the design, plus it'll take some work to get the stone dug in. I think once it's properly laid and some of the plants grow back in, it'll have a fairly natural look. 

Finally, here's Grady, nestled in her favorite spot in the front yard, right in the sun.

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