Today was the bi-annual sale at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, which is one of the highlights of the fall and spring for me.
As usual, my eyes were bigger than my wallet, and I brought back quite a few more plants for my garden.
In the back corner I'm planning a woodland garden. I had planted an anacua and rough leaf dogwood last year, and I have a very successful grouping of turk's cap. While the trees are still small, I'm trying to start plantings with the future in mind.
Today I got a Mexican Buckeye for that section. It usually grows 8-12 feet, so should be a good fit for the tight spot back there. Here's an example of the tree in bloom.
As a ground cover/low shrub I got a couple of coralberrys. I've been looking for them for a while. I love the distinctive foliage. It prefers part shade and apparently spreads with runners. The plant grows about 3 ft tall by 3 ft wide.
I purchased some globemallows, and I love the orange color of the flowers and the silvery soft foliage. I'm not yet sure where to plant them. It's very drought resistant, likes full sun, and only grows 1-3 feet. I feel like they'd do best in the front yard where I get full sun, but knowing what to pair it with a dilemma for me.
Other plants I picked up include indian grass, kidneywood, dwarf barbados cherry, big muhly, yellow bells.... and to think I started out just wanting to get the Mexican buckeye. Oops.